CLI for interacting with the API¶
You can visit the Roblox Documentation for more information about the API
List Data Stores¶
List all Datastores in the specified "universe" or game
rbx-ds-cloud list-data-stores [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --limit <LIMIT>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-c, --cursor <CURSOR> (Optional) Cursor for the next set of data
-l, --limit <LIMIT> (INTEGER) Maximum number of items to return
-p, --prefix <PREFIX> (Optional) Return only data stores with this prefix
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
List Entries¶
Returns a list of entry keys within a data store
rbx-ds-cloud list-entries [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --limit <LIMIT>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-c, --cursor <CURSOR> (Optional) Provide to request the next set of data
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-l, --limit <LIMIT> (INTEGER) Maximum number of items to return
-o, --all-scopes <ALL_SCOPES> If true, return keys from all scopes [possible values: true, false]
-p, --prefix <PREFIX> (Optional) Return only keys with this prefix
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure
Get Entry¶
Returns the value associated with an entry
rbx-ds-cloud get-entry [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-k, --key <KEY> The key which identifies the entry
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
Set Entry¶
Sets the value, metadata and user IDs associated with an entry
rbx-ds-cloud set-entry [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY> --data <DATA>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-D, --data <DATA> JSON-stringified or stringify-able data (Limit: 4MB)
-e, --exclusive-create <EXCLUSIVE_CREATE> (Optional) Only create the entry if it does not exist [possible values: true ,false]
-i, --match-version <MATCH_VERSION> (Optional) Only update if current version matches this
-k, --key <KEY>The key which identifies the entry
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-t, --attributes <ATTRIBUTES> (Optional) JSON-stringified attributes data
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
-U, --user-ids <USER_IDS> (Optional) Associated UserID (can be multiple)
Increment Entry¶
Increments the value for an entry by a given amount, or create a new entry with that amount
rbx-ds-cloud increment-entry [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY> --increment-by <INCREMENT_BY>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-i, --increment-by <INCREMENT_BY> The amount by which the entry should be incremented
-k, --key <KEY> The key which identifies the entry
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-t, --attributes <ATTRIBUTES> (Optional) JSON-stringified attributes data
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure
-U, --user-ids <USER_IDS> (Optional) Comma-separated list of Roblox user IDs
Delete Entry¶
Marks the entry as deleted by creating a 'tombstone' version. Entries are deleted permanently after 30 days
rbx-ds-cloud delete-entry [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-k, --key <KEY> The key which identifies the entry
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
List Entry Versions¶
Returns the versions and metadata of an Entry of a datastore
rbx-ds-cloud list-entry-versions [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY> --sort-order <SORT_ORDER> --limit <LIMIT>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-c, --cursor <CURSOR> (Optional) Cursor for the next set of data
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-e, --end-time <END_TIME> (Optional) End time constraint (ISO UTC Datetime)
-k, --key <KEY> The key which identifies the entry
-l, --limit <LIMIT> (INTEGER) Maximum number of items to return
-o, --sort-order <SORT_ORDER> Sort order [possible values: ascending, descending]
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-t, --start-time <START_TIME> (Optional) Start time constraint (ISO UTC Datetime)
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
Get Entry Version¶
Returns the metadata of a specific version of an entry
rbx-ds-cloud get-entry-version [OPTIONS] --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> --api-key <API_KEY> --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> --key <KEY> --version-id <VERSION_ID>
-a, --api-key <API_KEY> API key of Roblox Open Cloud
-d, --datastore-name <DATASTORE_NAME> Name of the data store
-k, --key <KEY> The key which identifies the entry
-s, --scope <SCOPE> (Optional) If "None", defaults to global, similar to Lua API
-u, --universe-id <UNIVERSE_ID> The value of DataModel.GameId, which is visible in the URL on the universe's Configure page
-v, --version-id <VERSION_ID> The version of the key